Telerik blogs
In this post, I’ll give you a sneak peek of a feature that will be available with the Q1 2015 release of the Calendar control for Android--namely ,an out-of-the-box integration with the Android device’s calendar events.

Reading events and appointments from the device with ease was high on the wishlist of developers using Telerik UI for Android. The code snippets below highlight some of the upcoming functionality.

Default Initialization

The snippet below shows how with just few lines of code you’ll be able to read appointments from the device’s calendar.

Displaying Events for a Specific User

In this case we’re reading the device owner’s calendar ,which will produce the same result as the default initialization.

Displaying Events from Multiple Calendars

getAllCalendarsAsync takes care of returning all calendars to which the user has subscribed.

Limiting the Events Being Displayed

Sometimes you might want to display events for a certain period of time. The snippet below shows how to display all of last week’s events.

Executing Custom Queries

We will do our best to include support for all the common scenarios, but in case you want to get adventurous, the Calendar will provide support for custom queries, as well. 

The code snippet below shows today’s events for calendar with id = 1.

The Q1 2015 release is scheduled for the end of February. Our roadmap is driven by customer feedback, so feel free to share yours in the comments or on the product's feedback portal.

About the Author

Kiril Stanoev

Hi, I'm Kiril and I'm the Product Manager of Telerik UI for Android, Windows Universal and Windows Phone. Feel free to ping me on +KirilStanoev or @KirilStanoev


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