Telerik blogs

For everyone interested in our UI test automation products we’ve just uploaded the new Q2 Service Pack release. This latest official update does not only include bug fixes but it also introduces a number of improvements and some useful features. I’d like to draw your attention to the enhancements in the following areas:

- Silverlight – more updates in the recording and execution scenarios are introduced. We add support for ToolTips in Silverlight (via the ToolTipText FrameworkElement property and built-in translators verification) as well as PopupTracker updates.

- Test logs, Test as Step scenarios, test data-binding improvements in execution.

- Improved Dialog handling support.

- Various UI updates for the QA Edition.

- Updates in the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX and Silverlight wrappers and translators.

In addition to all the above there is an important update I’d like to mention concerning the project element generation within the Developer Edition. In a VS coded tests project you no longer get a file referring to all the elements that is part of the project and need to be maintained or re-generated. Instead, we automatically generate a file on project build which is excluded from the project.

The complete list of enhancements is available here. In case you haven’t had a chance to play with the tools you can download a free trial of the latest builds now.

As always your feedback about our Automated Testing Tools is greatly appreciated.




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