Telerik blogs
Download RadControls for WinForms Q3 2012 SP1

Earlier this week, Telerik Dev Labs released yet another pack of updates for our WinForms UI components. Q3'12 Service Pack 1 for RadControls for WinForms brings with it a number of exciting new features – particularly around our data manipulation controls. Only a few weeks following its beta release, we enhanced RadPivotGrid with built-in support for data binding to an OLAP cube. Furthermore, we packed two new modern UI skins, one of which was inspired by Visual Studio 2012 and the other one helps you deliver even better touch user experience in your WinForms apps. Of course, the latest update also includes a bunch of bug fixes and performance enhancements based on the valuable feedback you provided. Keep reading to take a glimpse into the highlights listed below:

PivotGrid Data Binding to an OLAP Cube with KPI support

You can now bind RadPivotGrid to an OLAP cube with a click, empowering your WinForms applications with comprehensive multidimensional data analysis features and enable your end-users to build a KPI dashboard in minutes. Try the recharged PivotGrid and enjoy flawless data management in your apps. …And please, don’t forget to share your feedback in our forums!

We are currently planning the official RadPivotGrid release for Q1 2013.

OLAP cubes data binding support for RadPivotGrid with KPI

Telerik Metro Touch Theme for WinForms

Do you build apps for kiosk devices? Do your end-users need to have access to their dashboards and demo their apps on the go? The new Telerik Metro Touch theme shipped with SP1 Q3’12 of RadControls for WinForms will fix all the issues with the size of the elements in your app in a flash, so will be able to deliver immersive touch experience. Check out the preview below:

MetroTouch Theme for Telerik RadControls for WinForms

Following the latest user experience trends, the touch-friendly UI of the Metro Touch theme will provide you with ready-to-use bigger elements for any scenario. Buttons, tabs, scrollbars - all these will be easier to reach and touch.

Touch friendly elements in Telerik's Metro Touch theme for WinForms

Visual Studio 2012 Light Theme

Inspired by the Light theme shipped with Visual Studio 2012, we added a brand new Visual Studio 2012 Light theme to RadControls for WinForms, bringing to you even more options for ready-to-use customizations of your apps’ UI. The dark edition is planned for the first major release of 2013 expected in mid-February, so stay tuned!

Visual Studio 2012 Light Theme for Telerik RadControls for WinForms

We hope you’ll enjoy the enhancements of Telerik WinForms’ SP1. And, again, please check out the entire release notes to learn about all additional improvements and bug fixes. Click here to get the latest bits and start playing with all the new stuff.

As always, we look forward to your thoughts in comments or on the WinForms forum threads. Happy coding!

About the Author

Nikolay Diyanov

Diyanov is the Product Manager of the Native Mobile UI division at Progress. Delivering outstanding solutions that make developers' lives easier is his passion and the biggest reward in his work. In his spare time, Nikolay enjoys travelling around the world, hiking, sun-bathing and kite-surfing.

Find him on Twitter @n_diyanov or on LinkedIn.

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