Telerik blogs

We wanted to give you a heads up about some changes coming to

In an effort to unify all Telerik brands, and in advance of exciting news we will be sharing with the marketplace next week, we will be redirecting the site back to the mother ship –

As of Monday, January 27th, when you access, you will be automatically redirected to the new Icenium home page within, which will have all the same resources as does today: your Icenium account, support forums, sample code, etc.  No need to worry about all your code in the cloud, it's completely safe and will be right there when you log in.

Now you are probably wondering about these killer blog posts that you have come to love and cherish.  You probably start every day by reading the blogs and it’s become your number one source for news outside of “The Daily Report”.  We know just how you feel, and that’s why you don’t have to worry about a thing.  We’ve got you covered all the way down to your RSS feed, so no changes need be made on your part to keep getting the Icenium content that gets you through your day.

In the meantime, if you want to be part of the biggest Telerik event in the past 10 years (but of course you do), register for the Telerik online keynote on February 12th. You will discover where mobile app development is headed and why mobile apps are dead.

About the Author

Rey Bango

is an advocate for cross-platform, standards-based development and a lover of the open web.


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