Telerik blogs
  • Release

    JustCode. Retrospective of the last 2+ months.

    Here's a short list of what we've managed to achieve during the last 2+ months since we released JustCode in November: We’ve fixed a lot of C# / VB.NET and JavaScript "Good Code Red" issues. "Good Code Red" issues occur when errors are reported by JustCode for code that actually compiles fine. We treat these types of issues with a very high priority as it's very annoying when errors and warnings are reported throughout the solution for code that works perfectly fine. If you still experience such problems, please report them to us and we'll fix them for the RC. You...
    January 29, 2010
  • Productivity

    JustCode. What's the benefit of having solution wide analysis?

    When I originally announced JustCode in an earlier post, I described its solution wide analysis feature as "it’s like having a compiler running all the time with the only difference being that it runs much faster." This is, of course, only true to an extent but as this is the major feature of JustCode I’ve decided to write a separate blog post describing, in detail, just how this feature can help you. I’ve also decided to split this blog post into several parts covering each of the different platforms support by JustCode as the solution wide analysis works differently depending on the...
    January 20, 2010
  • Productivity

    Saving a few lines of code. Part V - Raising events.

    As you read the title of this post you may ask yourself - Hmmm, raising an event... wasn't that achievable with 1-2 lines of code? How smaller could it get, 0 lines of code? And you're almost right, to raise an event is not such a big deal. Supposing you have an event of type EventHandler. public event EventHandler Clicked;     Typically you have a virtual protected method which raises the event: protected virtual void OnClicked(EventArgs e)   {       if (Clicked != null)           Clicked(this, e);   }    Pretty simple unless you want to be thread safe (well... almost thread safe), then you should add one additional line: protected virtual void OnClicked(EventArgs e)...
    February 03, 2009

    Optimized Rendering and Skins for RadCalendar for ASP.NET AJAX

    I have the pleasure to announce that RadCalendar for ASP.NET AJAX has undergone a considerable HTML and CSS optimization. As a result, the HTML output generated by the following RadCalendar declaration has dropped from 5,916 bytes to 3,905 bytes, or by...
    October 14, 2008
  • Desktop

    Saving a few lines of code. Part II - Doing reflection

    I was just about to write the second blog post of the series, this time involving currying, the forward pipe operator and other functional programming beauties when two people discouraged me from doing it. First Mike from the WinForms team kindly implied that with functional C# programming I can get some permanent brain damages and I definitely won't keep my audience concentrated. Then came Joe Zydeco's comment to my previous blog post and I gave up. I don't know why people don't like functional C# programming but point taken, no more functional C# in my blog posts (for those of you who like it,...
    July 16, 2008
  • Release

    JustCode. Retrospective of the last 2+ months.

    Here's a short list of what we've managed to achieve during the last 2+ months since we released JustCode in November: We’ve fixed a lot of C# / VB.NET and JavaScript "Good Code Red" issues. "Good Code Red" issues occur when errors are reported by JustCode for code that actually compiles fine. We treat these types of issues with a very high priority as it's very annoying when errors and warnings are reported throughout the solution for code that works perfectly fine. If you still experience such problems, please report them to us and we'll fix them for the RC. You...
    January 29, 2010
  • Productivity

    JustCode. What's the benefit of having solution wide analysis?

    When I originally announced JustCode in an earlier post, I described its solution wide analysis feature as "it’s like having a compiler running all the time with the only difference being that it runs much faster." This is, of course, only true to an extent but as this is the major feature of JustCode I’ve decided to write a separate blog post describing, in detail, just how this feature can help you. I’ve also decided to split this blog post into several parts covering each of the different platforms support by JustCode as the solution wide analysis works differently depending on the...
    January 20, 2010
  • Productivity

    Saving a few lines of code. Part V - Raising events.

    As you read the title of this post you may ask yourself - Hmmm, raising an event... wasn't that achievable with 1-2 lines of code? How smaller could it get, 0 lines of code? And you're almost right, to raise an event is not such a big deal. Supposing you have an event of type EventHandler. public event EventHandler Clicked;     Typically you have a virtual protected method which raises the event: protected virtual void OnClicked(EventArgs e)   {       if (Clicked != null)           Clicked(this, e);   }    Pretty simple unless you want to be thread safe (well... almost thread safe), then you should add one additional line: protected virtual void OnClicked(EventArgs e)...
    February 03, 2009

    Optimized Rendering and Skins for RadCalendar for ASP.NET AJAX

    I have the pleasure to announce that RadCalendar for ASP.NET AJAX has undergone a considerable HTML and CSS optimization. As a result, the HTML output generated by the following RadCalendar declaration has dropped from 5,916 bytes to 3,905 bytes, or by...
    October 14, 2008
  • Desktop

    Saving a few lines of code. Part II - Doing reflection

    I was just about to write the second blog post of the series, this time involving currying, the forward pipe operator and other functional programming beauties when two people discouraged me from doing it. First Mike from the WinForms team kindly implied that with functional C# programming I can get some permanent brain damages and I definitely won't keep my audience concentrated. Then came Joe Zydeco's comment to my previous blog post and I gave up. I don't know why people don't like functional C# programming but point taken, no more functional C# in my blog posts (for those of you who like it,...
    July 16, 2008