Telerik blogs
  • Productivity Testing

    Two types of jsUnit tests

    I am a big jsUnit fan. I can't imagine what JavaScript development would be like if that tool did not exist. We all know that code without proper unit test coverage is legacy code. It is a time bomb waiting to go off in the hands of the developer that touches it next. Over time I have noticed a pattern in my jsUnit usage. I usually wear one of two testing hats when writing tests:The browser compatibility hat. Most developers know how to do things in Internet Explorer, and Gecko-based browsers. Those differences are widely known and people are used to writing...
    January 18, 2006
  • Productivity Testing

    Two types of jsUnit tests

    I am a big jsUnit fan. I can't imagine what JavaScript development would be like if that tool did not exist. We all know that code without proper unit test coverage is legacy code. It is a time bomb waiting to go off in the hands of the developer that touches it next. Over time I have noticed a pattern in my jsUnit usage. I usually wear one of two testing hats when writing tests:The browser compatibility hat. Most developers know how to do things in Internet Explorer, and Gecko-based browsers. Those differences are widely known and people are used to writing...
    January 18, 2006