Telerik blogs
  • Productivity

    Data Annotation attributes in seconds

    Find out about one of the cool new features that will be offered by Q2 2013 of Telerik OpenAccess ORM - automatic generation of Data Annotation attributes.
  • Productivity Reporting

    Using Telerik Reporting with WCF RIA Services

    Due to the rising popularity of Rich Internet Applications (RIA) e.g. Silverlight applications, the developers get more dependent on services for coordinating application logic between the middle tier and the presentation tier and the logical question raises how to use an already working WCF RIA Service as a datasource for Telerik Report. This is very useful if you want to enable the exact same business data access logic for clients other than Silverlight. For example to a WPF, WinForms or WebForms application. Thus we have made some tests locally and decided to share our observations in this post. Prerequisites: We will examine the WCF...
    October 22, 2010
  • Web

    Return of the Silverlight Recruiting Application

    It has been a while since I've had a nice, lengthy, code-a-riffic post on here so I wanted to start this off right.  By the title of this post I've already given up part of the surprise- I'm revisiting the Silverlight Recruiting Application and bringing it up to date.  For those of you that don't remember (or haven't seen this series), the concept behind this application was around a real world internal use here at Telerik.  More specifically, we keep growing and therefore our HR demands have grown, requiring something more robust than a very organized use of Excel and...
    August 10, 2010
  • Web

    Manage all Resources and Appointments data for RadScheduler for Silverlight using RIA Services.

    This blog post could be helpful for those who seek a way to store and retrieve all appointments information like Resources, TimeMarkers, Categories. It also provides a handy way to handle recurrence exceptions without any additional code. 1. Database design (This step can be avoided if a DataModel is initially created and then a database is generated from it). The key points that need to be taken into consideration when planning the database are: Where to save appointments Where to save recurrent appointments’ exceptions Where to save resources and how to relate them with appointments Here is the database schema used in...
  • Web

    Master-Details with RadGridView for Silverlight 4, WCF RIA Services RC2 and Entity Framework 4.0

    I have prepared a sample project with the Silverlight 4 version of RadGridView released yesterday. The sample project was created with Visual Studio 2010, WCF RIA Services RC 2 for Visual Studio 2010, and ADO.NET Entity Framework (.NET 4). I have decided to use the SalesOrderHeader and SalesOrderDetails tables from the Adventure Works Database, because they provide the perfect one-to-many relationship: I will not go over the steps for creating the ADO.NET Entity Data Model and the Domain Service Class. In case you are not familiar with them, you should start with Brad Abrams’ series of blog posts and read this blog after that. To enable the...
    April 23, 2010
  • Productivity

    Data Annotation attributes in seconds

    Find out about one of the cool new features that will be offered by Q2 2013 of Telerik OpenAccess ORM - automatic generation of Data Annotation attributes.
  • Productivity Reporting

    Using Telerik Reporting with WCF RIA Services

    Due to the rising popularity of Rich Internet Applications (RIA) e.g. Silverlight applications, the developers get more dependent on services for coordinating application logic between the middle tier and the presentation tier and the logical question raises how to use an already working WCF RIA Service as a datasource for Telerik Report. This is very useful if you want to enable the exact same business data access logic for clients other than Silverlight. For example to a WPF, WinForms or WebForms application. Thus we have made some tests locally and decided to share our observations in this post. Prerequisites: We will examine the WCF...
    October 22, 2010
  • Web

    Return of the Silverlight Recruiting Application

    It has been a while since I've had a nice, lengthy, code-a-riffic post on here so I wanted to start this off right.  By the title of this post I've already given up part of the surprise- I'm revisiting the Silverlight Recruiting Application and bringing it up to date.  For those of you that don't remember (or haven't seen this series), the concept behind this application was around a real world internal use here at Telerik.  More specifically, we keep growing and therefore our HR demands have grown, requiring something more robust than a very organized use of Excel and...
    August 10, 2010
  • Web

    Manage all Resources and Appointments data for RadScheduler for Silverlight using RIA Services.

    This blog post could be helpful for those who seek a way to store and retrieve all appointments information like Resources, TimeMarkers, Categories. It also provides a handy way to handle recurrence exceptions without any additional code. 1. Database design (This step can be avoided if a DataModel is initially created and then a database is generated from it). The key points that need to be taken into consideration when planning the database are: Where to save appointments Where to save recurrent appointments’ exceptions Where to save resources and how to relate them with appointments Here is the database schema used in...
  • Web

    Master-Details with RadGridView for Silverlight 4, WCF RIA Services RC2 and Entity Framework 4.0

    I have prepared a sample project with the Silverlight 4 version of RadGridView released yesterday. The sample project was created with Visual Studio 2010, WCF RIA Services RC 2 for Visual Studio 2010, and ADO.NET Entity Framework (.NET 4). I have decided to use the SalesOrderHeader and SalesOrderDetails tables from the Adventure Works Database, because they provide the perfect one-to-many relationship: I will not go over the steps for creating the ADO.NET Entity Data Model and the Domain Service Class. In case you are not familiar with them, you should start with Brad Abrams’ series of blog posts and read this blog after that. To enable the...
    April 23, 2010