Telerik blogs

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX

Copy/Paste data with Batch editing
This code-library demonstrates how to implement Copy-Paste functionality for cells and rows for RadGrid in Batch Edit Mode with RadContextMenu.

Telerik UI for WPF

Dragging service section
The section describes the Dragging service.

Polyline Tool
The forum demonstrates how a custom tool can be implemented in the context ot the RadDiagram.

This article answers some frequently asked questions on exporting the data of RadGridView.

List Styles
The article describes how to work with lists in RadRichTextBox.

Mail Merge Demo
The example shows how to use the mail merge functionality of RadWordsProcessing.

Telerik UI for Silverlight

Dragging service section
The section describes the Dragging service.
Polyline Tool
The forum demonstrates how a custom tool can be implemented in the context ot the RadDiagram.

This article answers some frequently asked questions on exporting the data of RadGridView.

List Styles
The article describes how to work with lists in RadRichTextBox.

Telerik UI for WinForms

RadRichTextEditorRuler is a control providing ruler functionality to RadRichTextEditor. The rulers allow you to change the paragraph, page margins or align the paragraphs in the document.

This article show how one can iterate the cells of the control.

Type Converters
RadPropertyGrid is commonly used to visualize custom object’s properties and values. A common case is when a certain property is of custom type, or there is no predefined editor for the specific type. In this situation the control will only display the type as a string. This article demonstrates how you can modify the way a property is being displayed and edited by using custom TypeConverters.

Indicate Special Days in RadGanttView
By default, RadGanttView visualizes its items in rows, where all tasks are aligned according to the beginning and end time of each task. There is no clear column indication in the GraphicalViewElement. This article demonstrates a sample approach to achieving it.

Updated Help Articles

Custom Items
Since the DetailsView provides a grid-like interface, it displays a cell for each data field. To create custom cells, you need to subscribe to the CellCreating event and replace the default DetailListViewDataCellElement with your own cell implementation.

Formatting Appearance
Added section for group cells formatting.

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