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Telerik Reporting Q2 2009 release (expected within a week) would come with new table/crosstab wizards. As the first one is pretty trivial i.e. you set datasource for the table and select which columns to show, we would skip detail introduction, but showing off with the crosstab wizard is something we would gladly do :)

As you can see our designers have prepared some really nice images to spice it up. Now let's go to the Arrange Fields step, where we select the fields from our datasource and arrange them into Row/Column groups depending on what we're aiming for. If we skip adding fields to the Column Group, the result of the wizard would be table item:

Arrange Fields Image

Next step is choosing the layout for the crosstab. We offer three out of the box layouts, that according to us are most likely to be used:

  • No SubTotals and Grand totals - keep the original layout
  • Blocked Layout (subtotals below)
  • Blocked Layout (subtotals above)
  • Stepped layout (subtotals above)

Choose Layout Image

Now let's get some styling applied, so we present the data in a compelling way:

Choose Style Image

and voila, here is the crosstab that get's generated.

CrossTab Designer image


Looking familiar? Well this is the CrossTab demo report that we've introduced in Q1 2009. It is obvious that this is not exactly the same crosstab, so what differs? We've added a new row above and merged a few cells (YES merging is now provided in the crosstab context menu) in the corner to show the company logo. Easy enough huh?

Let's preview it:

CrossTab Preview Image


Notice how Row/Column Group Headers are repeated as the crosstab is carried over? Yes now we support repeating headers for both row and column groups. How neat is that?

About the Author

Vassil Petev

is a Product Manager at Telerik. Loves gadgets, sailing, skiing and DJing.


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